There are times when we are overwhelmed at the immense task of growing our own food. Enter the little helper! We have joined a network of visiting helpers on and the ideology behind it is simple - travellers who want to connect with people list their profiles on the website and hosts do the same. This connects a wonderful source of mutually beneficial people from all over the world, right in your own backyard!
We have had helpers from France, UK, USA, Germany, Sweden and Canada come from 1 - 5 weeks at a time and in exchange for board and lodging, they work for 4-5hours a day in your garden and around your home.
Our wonderful little kitchen herb garden |
Raised bed in the making |
What a wonderful way to share the workload and at the same time, meet a whole bunch of really, really awesome like-minded people!
We've had an Irish landscaper who helped build our little kitchen garden, a German and Swedish couple who built our raised beds and hothouse, a French couple who painted fences and our cottage, a Canadian couple who gardened and fixed light-fittings amongst many other things, American travelers who weeded, mulched, planted and raked things, a UK couple who refitted our garden shed, stacked our winter firewood and weeded till they dropped ........... the list goes on and on! Each time we look at certain parts of our home or garden, we remember them fondly. They become part of our lives and certainly leave their mark on it. They touch our hearts and we look on them as extended family.
Truly a blessing, and our lives are enriched by all these folk who come and share a little of our lives for a short time.
A neatly stacked store of firewood for winter |
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