Tuesday, 24 September 2013

Berry, Berry Smooth!

Home-grown bananas
Wowee!  Heaven!  I think I just invented our own new mind-blowing health drink that tastes sooo good, it tastes like it must be bad!  How can that be?
Well, I had a basket-full of fast-ripening home-grown bananas, what to do with them?  I hate to waste food, especially stuff that we grow ourselves.  Banana bread has been the obvious answer in the past but I just did not feel very breadish-bakerish, so I thought - "SMOOOTHIES"!

Strawberry-Banana Blend
I have spent a week making a recipe of sorts, which I tended to repeat, based on it being much like a mousse pudding rather than a smoothie.  It went something like this:
2 hands full of brazil nuts - blended till fairly smooth, then add:
8-9 bananas (3 of our small ones equal one large store-bought banana)
One cupful frozen strawberries (from last summer's surplus)
1 TBspn honey
1/2 tspn stevia powder
1 TBspn LSC (linseed, sesame seed and chia seed, ground)
1 TBspn wheatgerm (optional)
1/2 cupful preserved feijoa puree (optional)
1 cupful of soya or oat milk

Blend all together until smooth.  Most of my smoothies had to be eaten with a spoon as they were fairly thick!  Hence, the mousse idea!

Chocolate Heaven
Fast forward to Sunday and I had just used up the last of the frozen berries to make a gooseberry/strawberry jam when I got the inspiration to do a chocolate smoothie instead.  Here it is:
(or otherwise to be known as Feckin' Delishus Smoothie at home!)
2 hands full of brazil nuts, blended till smoothish
Add 9 small bananas (or 3 large store-bought ones)
1 TBspn honey
1/2 tspn stevia powder (green leaf)
1TBspn LSC
1/2 tspn vanilla essence
3 heaped tspn carob powder
1 Cupful soya milk
Blend all above ingredients till smooth.

Be prepared to be blown away!  Such decadence and opulence!  Ought to be banned!  It tastes fattening!  Utterly insane, to drink something that you know is packed with such a powerhouse range of nutrients, but your brain is telling you it tastes too good to be healthy!

It's been such a good roll, these smoothie mornings, that Mike eked out my secret recipe (wouldn't even wait for my blog to spill the beans) and took over.  Even when we ran out of home-grown bananas - now he's buying them from fair-trading, organic Ecuador or some-such-place!  And he's added blueberries the last 2 mornings - takes like dessert!  It's a hit!


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