Tuesday, 10 March 2015

My Ideal World

In my Ideal World:
Everyone would grow their own backyard vegetables and teaching children how to grow food would be mandatory in all schools

Councils would plant fruit trees in reserves, among the natives and exotics

Roadside verges would be planted with fruit and native trees - food for people and birds

Councils or governments would set up subsidies for solar energy generation for home owners installing their own power generating solar panels, encouraging people to be mini-power stations.

Farmers Markets will continue to supply locally grown, organic food and not be subject to the Food Bill

Local councils would offer reduced rates for people setting up grey-water systems, composting toilets and rainwater harvesting systems.

The Food Bill would be scrapped to protect people's rights to eat the foods they choose to eat (local and organic) as opposed to passing a business-driven law which encourages corporate greed, and food and seed ownership and monopoly (yes, MonSatan)

Funding would be readily available from the Government (our hard-earned monies, really) for programmes like EnviroSchools, which focus on Sustainable Education, rather than on a country's Military Might.
All family units would invest in someone learning the art of healing, so as to better take care of it's own members instead of relying heavily on the Medical System to fix all our problems (most of which we caused ourselves through bad diet or lifestyle choices).
Home-owners would scatter-sow bee-fodder in their gardens to encourage and protect our busy little workers who help grow our food.

My Ideal World.....  Well, My World is just perfect, the way it is!  I keep tweaking it as I learn and grow.  Ideal.  Like the bumble bee above, I was fascinated by how huge he was while he was so intent on foraging, that an unwanted caress simply sent him off to the next courgette flower, where he carried on gathering pollen to his hearts content!  Ideal, really!