Wednesday, 1 July 2015

Beach Road Reserve, Katikati

 Sometimes we take the beauty of the area we live in, for granted!  A couple of weeks ago, we were reminded of that beauty, enough to take our breath away.  The nature gifts that are there for us, day in, day out, but we are are too busy to open our eyes and take it all in.
A 5 minute drive from our home is the Beach Road Harbour.  We often drive there to collect seaweed, but usually, we are there simply for the collection, quick to return to all the duties that await at home.
A view back to the harbour jetty - a concrete drive extending into the water, for launching of fishing vessels.  Note the people who almost appear to be walking on water!

Pine trees which may once have formed a wind break for the shore-line farmer, have been chopped down and the roots eroded to form a network of lattice work above the ground.

Taken from below the latticework of roots
This reserve even allows Freedom Campers, as long as they stay only 3 nights and leave the place in a neat and tidy condition.  That is quite generous really - a million dollar view, a rugged toilet and all this for - well, nothing really!  I can think of many a camping sight that offers perhaps a better toileting and kitchen facility, with views of other camper vans, for a nightly fee of $16.50 P/P!  For those of you out-of-towners, Katikati rocks!  We have the murals, of course, but we also have the harbour, estuary, Uretara river (navigable), Bird Walk and Haiku Reserve.  And let us not forget to mention, the fantastic community project, Kati KaiWay.  We have planted 48 (plus-some) fruit trees in a local reserve, so that locals and visitors can take a meander through this edible walkway and pick seasonal fruit, for free!  There are Nashi pears, plums, feijoas, mandarins, oranges, almonds, lemons, persimmons and Chilean Guavas. Did I mention, they are organically maintained?!

Dead trees stand reaching into the sapphire blue sky.

The few remaining pine trees huddled on the shore.

Pine cones make great kindling for lighting winter fires.

New cones huddle against the cold winter breeze.

The farthest end of the Beach Road Harbour Reserve looking toward Tauranga and the Kaimai mountain range.

Tauranga Moana, with Matakana Island in the distance

The Kaimais surround the jewel that's the Bay of Plenty

Ephemeral Art; Beach Sculpture

Harvested cornfields and wide expanse of sky.

Somebody's little mobile home.  Note the wind vane for power generation!
Someone's fence or bridge?  Beached as, Bro!

Sunshine on shoreline.

Sea- eroded shore surrounds a little bay 

Still making shadows, Mikey and Me.

The Big Blue Sky

Mono-cropping leftovers.

Nature's Sculptures
Such beauty abounds.  I just have to take time out from the hectic schedule of growing food, to explore and discover ever more of it.......

1 comment:

  1. Still taking beautiful photos Koeks. Zan is also into his photography.
