Oat-so Easy!!
Packaging. The evil villain in planet destruction. So much of it, we are literally drowning in it! For a long time, I have raged against Tetrapak packaging. In New Zealand, we do not have the technology to recycle it (it is made up of 3 or 4 different layers heat-bonded together. So everything goes into landfill, clogging up the earth for the next few decades. I have tried to recycle them myself, after someone shared this idea with me. Make them into wallets. Trouble is, many people no longer use cash, so a wallet is a thing of the past. Recently, I hit on the brainwave of making them into sewing kit travel packs. Inside, I store a selection of buttons, cotton, pins, needle and safety pins (for emergency mending while on holiday). They may make great little gifts to give away for that person heading off on a tropical holiday.....
My husband is moving away from cow's milk, preferring to use soy, oat or rice milks. Trouble is, these all come in non-recyclable tetrapaks. And there is only so many tetrapak wallets we can recycle (I don't know that many friends who travel)! So I was mighty fine excited when I discovered Megan May's recipe for making oat milk. Easy Peasy! Reduce the load of landfill stockpiles of Tetrapakaging!! Yay! I have tu-tu-ed with the recipe to make it suit our palate.
Soak 1 1/2 cups oats for 3-4 hours in 6 1/2 cups water. We use organic rolled oats. Add 1 heaped tspn honey and a generous pinch of salt. Optional: add a few drops vanilla essence. Blend everything for approximately 30 seconds. |
Sieve it once, then pass it a second time through a nut bag to remove all oaty residue. |
The residue makes this a slow process, so one can hasten it by squeezing the bag to extract the liquid. |
Voila! Oat milk, beautiful waste free oat milk! I have also experimented with freezing, and yes, it freezes well! |
Why waste the oat residue? Google an oaty raisin biscuit recipe and use these to dunk in your morning cuppa tea! |
At the end of the day, it is a hassle to remember to make the oat milk for a constant supply - but the process is easy and apart from the soaking, takes about 15 minutes. I can do it blind-folded now! And I love that we are reducing waste - AND saving heaps of money in the process!
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